First, a thin stream of blood flows between the girl's legs, then a whole bathtub is poured into this blood (as a symbol of violence in the world), then the bathtub turns into a pool in which the heroine drowns and then the blood is poured as rain on her umbrella, in the scene where the heroine is watching the labyrinth , in which the criminals pursue her .. An indifferently smoking woman near the entrance symbolizes society with its “own fault”!
In the video, the girl dies and is reborn. Blooming trees symbolize her innocence, bare trees symbolize her loss.
In the final scene, we see her sleeping at home. But the door is ajar and the leaves lying on the floor tell us that the dream is a reality. And the border “were” and “were not” with this girl is erased. "
Directed by Maria Petukhova.
The victim never provokes violence. Violence is not provoked! Violence is committed. Nobody wants to be raped, nobody deserves it. All people have the right to live in safety and without fear everywhere, including their own home! Women's rights are human rights, and rape is a crime against the individual.